Tag Archives: Caspian

I need help

I finally watched Prince Caspian tonight.  I found it enjoyable enough, but after, um, about the third fight of humans versus humans, minotaurs, mice, badgers, etc., I actually said to myself, “This isn’t as believable as the first one.” NOT AS BELIEVABLE?!?

In what state must I be to think that a wicked ice queen, talking, resurrecting lion, and fighting, time traveling children are believable?

I need my head examined.

Everything You Know

As a child, an animated version of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe scarred me horribly. I was devastated beyond belief, so much so, that I blocked it from my mind and remembered nothing except a good lion was shaved and killed in a most degrading and horrific manner.

Because of the trauma, I suppose, I never knew anything about Prince Caspian. The trailer for the movie is out and I have to admit that I am excited about it. It looks like something I may just love. However, if anyone is familiar with the story and knows of any more lion death, please let me know so I won’t watch or read. I can’t take that kind of trauma again. Thanks.