Aaaand, I’m Out

Well, I gave it the ol’ college try. I made it through the first 7:32 minutes of Firefly before swearing it off forever. BORING. I had to force myself to keep watching after the first three minutes of blah, but seeing Keller just solidified it for me.

Thanks, hulu, for making life easier.

One Fan Added

My dad is a Fringe fan! I’m so proud of him. He was also a LOST fan in the beginning, but he jumped ship on that one long before I did. I hope he sticks with it this time so we can “Ooh” and “Ahhh” together. He’s going to check out True Blood later today, but I don’t think he’ll like it too much; he just feels obligated to watch any new HBO series because they gave him his beloved Deadwood and Carnivale.

If you missed Fringe, or even if you didn’t, they’re re-airing it tonight along with the first bit of Episode 2. I am so excited, y’all. Seriously. I’m even going to do some of the online Fringe things…something I swore I’d never do.

[Edit: My moods here are all bunked up. Maybe I’ll fix them later today. I’ve got two of some, and none of others. Where the heck did “Excited” go?!?]

New Challenge Tonight

I have no logo for my new show. It makes me want to shout, “Where my homies logos at?!?” The RW/RR Challenge: The Island debuts tonight, and as always, I’ll be watching. Even though I won’t know half of the contestants, after this season, they’ll be like old friends to me when I see them on their next challenge. Whoo hoo!

I’ve been croupish for a week and a half now. I’m over it. Well, I’m not over it, I’m over the thought of it. Go away, hack. I have no doubt that if I put the Newports down, it’ll get better faster, so I guess I really can’t complain too much, but still…. Oh, and if I could only remember to NOT BITE MY NAILS, especially at the start of the school year, I probably wouldn’t have caught this mess in the first place. Bah!

College Fair tomorrow…wish me luck! It’ll be a miracle if this thing happens at all. 😳