True Enough

I’m convinced that HBO’s new series, True Blood, is in fact, just Natural Born Killers with vampires. It’s got the same white-trash-montage in the credits and the same dirty feel. There’s plenty of gore, sex, and uncomfortable moments as the characters, none of which are particularly stellar, move among each scene with a low class desperation. That said, I won’t loop it, but I’ll watch it.

As for SGA, I’m glad it was canceled. This perverse sense of loyalty I have keeps me watching even though it feels like we’ve already seen every episode, some of them twice. Case in point: Last night, the team stumbled upon one of Michael’s labs. I’ve already said that Michael as an archenemy is a lame storyline, so imagine the fun of finding his lab, for the 2486th time. Wow. Actually, this episode was made better by the addition of a bunch of chicks, none of which we cared one bit about. Swell. Lest you think the fun was all wrapped up in last night’s episode, you get this to look forward to: Next week Teyla goes undercover on a Wraith ship because of her wraith properties…AGAIN.


Though I so did not keep a level head, I may have averted tragedy today; and I did it in true superhero fashion.

The coordinator for the annual county college fair quit. Not “quit as coordinator”, quit the entire state and moved away. Like a dolt, I volunteered to take over, thinking that since the schedule for this year’s fair was set in May, everything is set. WRONG! Something told me to call the facility and confirm that every recruiter from the East Coast (not an exaggeration, no, not at all), would be cleared to set up booths on the 11th. Yeah, he’d never heard of it. In fact, the facility is already booked by another agency that day from 8-4. 😮

I had to put aside my fear and intimidation and call the big boys at the state level. I proposed moving the venue to our school’s gymnasium and hoped they wouldn’t be too harsh in their reply. They were like, “Dude, no problem, we’ll put the word on the listserv and let it roll.” :smoke: Seriously.

Sometimes, things just work out for you. 🙂

Hi-Tech Review

Google Chrome Browser

There are a few things I like about it:

It is fast
Switching tabs is smooth as buttah
Having the tabs on top was actually comfortable.

There are more things I don’t like about it:

It’s not a one-stop shop like FF (no extensions, ads everywhere, etc.)
It’s hideous
No right-click reload!!! For obsessive freaks like me, that’s a deal breaker.
Did I mention ads….everywhere?!? With Adblock Plus and Firefox, I didn’t realize there were so many sites displaying ads. Blech.
The “Most Visited” page is a curse. I want my site to be the first box listed, so now I have to reload my site repeatedly, thus driving up the cost of bandwidth usage (only not really, since I have a readership of, like, 2…maybe 3).

Bottom line: I though about using it as a quick browser, but why get out of sync with FF, which I love and will have to rely on when uploading, editing, designing, etc.? NOT SWITCHING.