Top 5- Doctor Who Series 3

This was the companion I looked most forward to seeing. Martha is indisputably my favorite companion, though the writing for her character left a LOT to be desired. This series contained four of my least favorite episodes of the entire show in the form of two two-parters that were universally hated, I believe. Overall, this is my second-least favorite season thus far, which is surprising because I really expected to love it.

1. Our introduction to Martha is in “Smith and Jones” and I can still loop this episode and enjoy it each time. We were able to see Martha as an intelligent, clever, quick-witted, woman, and not as someone in love with The Doctor (though this would horribly change…and soon).

2. The music for the Time Lord/Gallifrey scenes is the best of the show. Absolutely brilliant and as regal as a Time Lord theme should be.

3. Martha’s bravery in the closing arc of the series was inspiring. Good to see she was rewarded for her troubles with a very attractive fiance we saw as Tom.

4. The Master, though totally not what I expected, entertained well enough with his maniacal quest for domination over Earth.

5. “Blink”. Really, we need say no more. I hope to see Sally Sparrow again. Best episode of the show.

Clone Loan

In order to move into this magnificent Lake House of mine, I financed the closing costs as a second (deferred) loan. It’s time to pay the piper, lawd. I just remembered the new loan payment begins January 1, 2009, and I just scheduled it to be paid through my online banking.

I am sooooo grown up. :clap:

Head. Ache.

I have had headaches for three days straight now. I’m out of Excedrin and I don’t feel like driving to a pharmacy to buy more. Ugh.

I changed the theme here to (hopefully) speed up the load time. Did it work? I can’t tell anymore, what with cache, browser fatigue, bugs, etc.

I have a couple more days to finish my Top 5 Doctor Who lists, so I think I’ll try to beat this headache instead.

Christmas Is Over

I’ve finally figured out the key to happiness: lower your expectations. This year’s Christmas special was absolutely my favorite yet. It felt Christmassy, geeky, and really sentimental. David Morrissey was GREAT! I would love to have him as the Next Doctor, not just the Other Doctor. I didn’t think I would like him, but whenever he wasn’t acting all manic and over the top (like our current Doctor), he was really believable and endearing. By far, the best special. Seriously.

I also finished SGA this week. The last episode, while much better than the last, um, well, all of them this season, actually, wasn’t enough to make me miss it now that it’s gone. I just don’t know what happened over the course of the show. Well, actually, I’ve made my thoughts known and there’s no need to continue the same rant, especially now that it’s done. I will always think of the first two seasons with fond memories and a tiny little Spark of shippiness. See whut I did thar? Ha!

I’m not listing the holiday haul this year. Lots and lots of great things I didn’t deserve. Thanks, everyone! :love: