
My students are amazingly cool. I got a Sylar action figure, Obi-Wan and Anakin Mighty Muggs (in limited edition lunch box), a humongous RotK Aragorn knit throw, homemade cookies, candy, and fudge, and from my boss, I got two chef-y things for my kitchen, a Twilight calendar, and an Edward poster.

Nearly Christmas

Christmastime is totally upon us, and I’m holding up pretty well, thankyouverymuch. I’ve done almost all my shopping. It helps that I planned to do very little shopping, but hey, nearly finished…go me! I watched the Christmas episode of Psych, and I really liked it. I’m going to watch a few more eps on Hulu during the break. I’ll need something to watch with no new Merlin, Primeval, Legend of the Seeker, or Doctor Who (except for the Christmas special, that I, like most of the world it seems, look forward to with little anticipation). I also spent the weekend watching the old Father Ted Christmas episode and the two-part The Office Christmas special that makes me happy…and lonely…every time I watch it. Good stuff!

They’re having the Christmas party for work at the only semi-chi-chi place in town, so I opted out. I’ll get to go home early Tuesday, which is good since it’s my parents’ anniversary and I still need to shop for that gift card.

Only three more shopping days, y’all! :elf:

Top 5- Doctor Who Series 2

This was the readjustment year. I never adjusted. While there are moments that I truly enjoyed, I was never able to fully lose my disappointment with the new Doctor. It was during this time that I relied heavily on my friends from the fandom to keep me going. Di and Ana’s vids made the year more enjoyable than I would have thought possible, and I’m glad they were there to keep me interested.

1. The entire exchange between Cybermen and Daleks is absolute brilliance, but this response in “Doomsday” is possibly the best of the entire show:

After deciding to not ally and to become enemies:
Cyberman (threateningly): We are five million Cybermen. How many are you?
Dalek: Foooo-ooour.

You really had to be there. I still *sporfle* at the memory.

2. In the same episode, the music at the end of the episode was the best yet. I actually hurt for The Doctor and Rose, and cared little for either of them prior to the events of “Doomsday”.

3. Throughout the series, we got to see Mickey grow tremendously as a character, and he became one of my favorites. In choosing to stay with his Gran, he showed that his priorities were in order, and in choosing to fight the Cybermen, he proved his bravery. Good job, Mickey!

4. The decadence of “The Girl in the Fireplace” is matched only by the creepiness of the courtier/clown villains in the same episode. Madame De Pompadour was gorgeous.

5. Though Sarah Jane returned for “School Reunion” and Anthony Head guested as well, the episode stopped just short of greatness. Overall, though, for Series 2, it was very enjoyable.

Driving Me Crazy

I crashed my car. Actually, more embarrassingly, I hit a parked car. I crunched the front end of my side panel and bumper while scraping their rear bumper. I left a note, which is frustrating, because I have no way of knowing just what their reaction and expectations will be. They haven’t left a voicemail yet, so maybe they’re not too upset? Right? Bah.

In much happier, or somewhat bittersweeter, news, I got to see Ben, Jesse, and Jonas! I also got Heroes Seasons 1 and 2, a cool Christmas mixtape, and a really cool card. Hooray! Thanks guys! The bitter part is that Jesse leaves for Morgantown soon and I may not get to see him soon, and I probably won’t see Jonas anymore at all. 😥 I wish at least one of my cats would be as loving as Jonas, but it just is NOT going to happen. They are so used to ignoring all humans other than me that they will never be that friendly. Oh, how I damage everything around me. 😆