Odds and Ends

dexter_logo Dexter is both odd, and ending. Well, ending in the sense that I am finishing S3 today. I just read that it has been renewed for two more seasons, but I have to admit that waiting a week between episodes is going to kill me. Heh. See whut I did thar? Fantastic show, and I highly recommend it.

I want to take this moment to voice my disappointment with the photoshoots in this cycle of ANTM. They suck. There’s been a total of ONE shoot where the girls were shot alone, and their faces were smeared with colored powder for that one. Looking back to, say, cycle 2, when the shoots were inventive and still beautiful, makes me think that if ANTM doesn’t try to look back instead of trying to create some messed up future, it’s going to lose what little credibility it still has.

I’m currently awaiting the car repairman to pick up my car. I got up early for this, dude! Chop chop! Whoa, not a good thing to say to an off the books repairman…


If I had superpowers, I would have used them today. When the worker from the water department came to check the meters or whatever, he kept spitting tobacco juice in my yard. I would have had him first choke on the juice, and then spit it all over his shirt.

This is why I don’t think I’ll ever be granted superpowers. :evileye:

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-14

Crunch Car Update

I finally got off my duff and called someone to come out and give me an estimate on my car. Turns out I’m looking at just under $700. I don’t even know what my deductible is, but even if it’s only $500.00, I’m probably better off just paying cash and not turning it in. I’m actually relieved because I thought it would be at least double this amount. So I told the guy to go ahead and get the parts and then the best part happened: He said that as soon as they come in, he’ll come get the car and fix it. He’ll come get it! I don’t even have to leave the house. Awesome!

The drawback to this wonderful news? I am expected to be without car the rest of the week and this weekend, and will have to borrow one, thus, limiting my travel plans.