Summer of Death

Harper’s Island wrapped up its murderous spree last night. By its very nature, there were to be many, many, many deaths. Todd kind of got me thinking about the show a lot, and after looping episodes 1-11 all week, I pretty much figured it would end like it did. Well, not exactly how it did, but close enough. Nonetheless, I think I actually shouted, “You bastard!!” at the screen. 😆

Summer has not been kind to my other fandoms. Robin Hood saw three major character deaths, several minor character deaths, and most likely as a result, was canceled. Torchwood had one major death and five equally emotionally hurtful deaths. True Blood, as of this writing, as not had any significant deaths, but it’s early in the season and I fully expect we’ll see at least one (especially since the Lafayette deal was supposed to have already expired).



Oh god. I feel like I have been put through the wringer. Day Five was just harrowing, and heartbreaking, and unthinkable. I never thought that after Day Four I could feel any more drained, but this did it. I just started Day One again to marathon the series, and I had completely forgotten about major things. I feel like my brain has just been dragged into a stupor by my heart. I don’t know where Torchwood goes from here, but I’ll be anxiously awaiting it.

Eureka Returns!

With the BS delay that Sci-Fi Syfy threw at us between airings, I guess we need to watch the marathon today just to know where we left off! Sheriff Carter had just been relieved of his duties I recall, so I guess we’ll get to see him in a little hot water as we return to Eureka.

I hope Eureka maintains its sense of fun because its cousin Syfy show Warehouse 13 has absolutely none at all. The two hour premiere was lacking in many ways and it will be interesting to see what kind of audience it retains/adds.

My summer guilty pleasure (well, pleasure it way too strong a word), Big Brother is back, too. I liked the premiere and I hope the brains take it all (of course)!

Paging Denna

I was going to wait until Torchwood: Children of Earth had finished before posting about it, but I just have to beg the universe to undo something. I won’t say just what, but anyone who watches Day Four will understand. My greatest hope (which combines fandoms) is that Captain Jack Harkness channels the powers of the Mord-Sith at the end of the episode. Sadly, I don’t think this is the case. And I’m sad.