All posts by Jenn

Pre Top 5

I got my Palm Pre in October and in the time since I’ve had it, I have patched it, modded it, doctored it, and loved it more than anything. has everyone thinking about their top 5 patches or apps, so I thought I’d try to figure out the ones I just can’t live without. I’m leaving out the whole area of theming, as it would be impossible to rank themes (except for my own…heh).

Top Patches:
4×4 Icons v2 or v3
Unthrottle Download Manager
Video Downloader
Default to Month View in Calendar

Top Apps:
Preware (for installing/updating themes and homebrew apps)
Spaz (my favorite Twitter app)
Feeds (Best and fastest integration with Google Reader)
Dr. Podder (Downloads/streams/bookmarks podcasts)
Precorder (Video/audio recorder with excellent quality)

Master Rahl guide us…

I’ve been taken by the television series The Legend of the Seeker, and now I’ve been taken by the actual book series. The Sword of Truth series is nothing like what I expected. The show has taken a darker turn in the second season of the television show, but can never begin to touch the themes of the book series. This is NOT your young adult series, and it’s actually been a very welcomed surprise.

There are many differences that I’m sure are chronicled all over the net, so there isn’t much need for me to do the same here. I think that even in their differences, the two mediums compliment each other nicely. I do, and will always, defer to the canon of the source material, but having faces to go with names has been very nice. I find that my focus is no longer the shipping of Richard/Kahlan (though I still do), but rather the appreciation of the time and the desire to learn more of the lands and legends. Many of the weekly stories are clearly derived from events in the books, though the importance of the elements isn’t always apparent on the show. I’m surprised that the Mud People weren’t included in the television series at all, but that would be a season all to itself. I’m still looking forward to meeting new characters though, especially since I have the added interest of comparing their adventures. Overall, the characters are pretty true to their written creations, but I think the two characters that characters that I never pause to associate with their TV counterparts are Richard and Cara. I am starting the fifth book soon, so things could, of course, change, but I am really hopeful that Cara makes it to the end, and I’m pretty sure that Richard will. *wink*

In the end, I would say that I recommend the books for any fans of the television series (so long as you have pretty strong stomachs re: themes and gore). Here’s to finishing the series before getting spoiled any further!

He *IS* Spartacus

Here’s what I know about the new Showtime series Spartacus: Blood and Sand:

I like it. I like it A LOT. I never saw Gladiator or Rome, nor do I care one bit about them; therefore, I don’t care at all if they are ripped off. I did see 300 and liked it enough that if it IS ripped off, then YAY! I like that I get to play “When Fandoms Collide” thanks to Craig Parker of LOTR and LOTS (he is extraordinarily great in this, btw). The gore never bothered me; I’m glad it’s “over-stylized” for that very reason. This new guy playing Spartacus? Yes. Thank you. Oh, and I’ll be watching every episode.

And that’s what I know about Spartacus: Blood and Sand.

Being Normal

Being Human returned last week, and it’s taken me this long to write about it. <--- Not a good sign. I will say, however, that S2 Ep2 is much better. For starters, there's less George, which also means there's less out-of-character-George. The Mitchell love is still growing, as is the Annie love (oh, poor Annie!). Nina, too, because I wouldn't have adjusted quite so well, either. All in all, things are going well...heh. The looming threat could play out really terrifically, and I hope it does. I was never completely convinced that Herrick was a big enough bad, even with his lofty vamp goals. No, religious nuts with technology seem much more threatening, if you ask me. Regardless, Being Human is back, and I am very, very glad that it is. Is anyone else watching first run??