Tag Archives: Spartacus

He *IS* Spartacus

Here’s what I know about the new Showtime series Spartacus: Blood and Sand:

I like it. I like it A LOT. I never saw Gladiator or Rome, nor do I care one bit about them; therefore, I don’t care at all if they are ripped off. I did see 300 and liked it enough that if it IS ripped off, then YAY! I like that I get to play “When Fandoms Collide” thanks to Craig Parker of LOTR and LOTS (he is extraordinarily great in this, btw). The gore never bothered me; I’m glad it’s “over-stylized” for that very reason. This new guy playing Spartacus? Yes. Thank you. Oh, and I’ll be watching every episode.

And that’s what I know about Spartacus: Blood and Sand.