Category Archives: General

Horcrux Horror

If you want to read the most terrifying, incredibly likely theory about Harry Potter and horcruxes go NOW to SimplyKimberly and read the locked post on the matter.

Basically, what Kimberly is saying is that Harry IS one of the horcruxes. When Voldemort killed James and Lilly, he made Harry a horcrux. That would certainly explain the “traits” Harry shares with Voldemort and it sets up the gloomiest of futures for Harry. I’m so enthralled with this theory that I will support it as truth until Book 7 comes out. I think it will be proven, I really do.

Ready and Waiting

After literally weeks of storyboard planning, “Speed of Sound” has been added to ZeroMuch. It covers over 10+ hours of footage, so naturally I had to choose which “subplots” to cut out. Shippers probably won’t be happy, and I don’t want to hear one word about “Too much Boromir…*wah*” LOL.

Seriously, though, I hope you like it 🙂

Reading Room

I just got my HBP! I’ll be reading for the next couple of days, so I just wanted to wish everyone a happy weekend. Ash, I’m sure you’ll be busy reading, too 🙂

I’ll blog more about SG-1 and SGA later, but I was pleased with SG-1 and LOVED SGA beyond words.

Happy Reading!

Edit: 11:00pm I just finished the book. I don’t think it’s spoilery to say that I.can’t.breathe. This is the best since POA. Honestly, I can’t think of words to describe how I feel right now. I hope everyone gets to read it soon so we can discuss. *sigh*

Never Imagined This

I’m sorry for the lack of updating, commenting, vidding, etc. I’m in a computer training that has us working quite a bit more than I thought we’d be. I’m really enjoying it, though….and the fully-loaded new laptop and $500 actually have very little to do with my satisfaction. It’s actually FUN. Who knew?!?

I am going to vid as soon as I can. I’m sure it will be done many times, but I’m going to made a LOTR vid to Coldplay’s “Speed of Sound.” I’ve planned the whole thing out, it’s just a matter of executing it. It’s going to be somewhat in the style of ‘s HP vid, “Clocks”…kind of an ode to her, if you will.

Well, seeing whereas I have homework (again!) I’ll be around sporadically. You know how to get in touch 😉