Category Archives: Movies

I really need a clue

There are a great many things that I know very little about. I read where Snape is voicing a character played by Flitwick in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I still don’t know enough about HGTTG to know what that means. I don’t know anything about Wallace and Gromit, Lemony Snicket, and some other duo with odd names I can’t even remember. I know nothing about anime AT ALL, except this: yaoi isn’t a character, it’s a way of life. Heh.

In with the new

I added two new styles to the site. Winter Dream, featuring my every dream, and Battle, a semi-cool shot of an upcoming space battle, with a little yum thrown in for good measure.

I have a Star Wars question that loosely ties in with Battle. The Emperor. Was he originally human and due to having so much darkness had unusually long life, or was he non-human? I don’t want some cockamamie EU answer, just a brief, general response. Also, of you haven’t seen the spoiler pic of Anakin and Dooku, GO NOW. Creepy. 😯

Best and better

Whoo! Thanks, Ben for my gifts.
I now have Bravo Two Zero and Dust in my lust DVD collection. I also have a delicious hazelnut candle and a Donkey M&M bag. Thanks, Ben!! My eye seems to be a bit better today, and the doctor did not culture it after all. I go back Monday and hopefully the crevice will have filled in.