Category Archives: TV

I’ve Been Entertained By This?

Every year, we get list after list around this time.

This is my commentary on Entertainment Weekly’s 2010 Entertainers of the Year article. Keep in mind, that I offer only my opinion, and it is as true as I can possibly be.

[The auto-link for Affleck is for another, and better, Ben.]

1. Taylor Swift– Who?
2. Jon Hamm– Meh, ok.
3. Kanye West– Never.
4. Christopher Nolan–Tries too hard. Pass.
5. Kids of Modern Family— For about 22 seconds. Last year.
6. The Cast of The Social Network— A movie for and about people who think Facebook makes them relevant. NEWSFLASH! It doesn’t.
7. Lady Gaga– 24 years old? Reverse that, and I may believe it. Hag.
8. James Franco– Meh, maybe.
9. Katy Perry– Why does this person even exist. No.
10. Steig Larson–Author, apparently. Tagline in article reads, “Do you know anyone who hasn’t read the Millennium Trilogy?” My hand goes up.
11. Team Glee– For three episodes. Last year.
12. Ben Affleck– OK. My only positive response so far.
13. Suzanne Collins–Author. My other hand goes up.
14. The Men of The Good Wife— I’ll ask my great aunt; she’s the only person I know who would watch this.
15. Jaden and Willow Smith– CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION NOW.

Hopefully 2011 will have much more to offer.

Twin/Dual Peaks/Spires

For years, no, decades, I’ve kicked myself for missing Twin Peaks. The recent Psych episode, “Dual Spires”, finally pushed me over the edge. Shawn and Gus’ kooky interaction with the locals (some of which I knew had been on Twin Peaks) and the intriguing special opening credits (I think I have a thing for credits) convinced me to seek out Twin Peaks once and for all.

I’m halfway through the second season of Twin Peaks, and though I inadvertently spoiled myself years ago as to the identity of Laura Palmer’s killer, I assumed the reveal would signal the end of the series. Apparently, not the case. I can only hope to see more of Agent Coopers dreams, as they have been some of the most entertaining shots I’ve ever seen. I want my own giant. I really do.

[Edit: Annnnd minutes after posting, David Duchovny showed up. I had forgotten he had that role. Spectacular!]

To A Town Down By The Sea

This is one show that actually deserves the “Save Our Show” campaign. I tried to describe Terriers to a friend, and the best I could come up with was something like, “It’s just an hour of uncomfortable odd each week.” It has humorous moments, ironic moments, dangerous moments, and many, many quietly clever moments. Donal Logue could not be more believable as Hank, a disgraced cop turned P.I. with skeletons in his closet and tricks up his sleeve, and Michael Raymond-James is just as great as Britt, the perp turned P.I. with equal amounts of skeletons and tricks. I immediately recognized Michael as True Blood‘s Rene from Season One, but I would have NEVER guessed where I would have known Donal from. Look it up…but only after you’ve watched the show.

I think one of my favorite things about Terriers (aside from the outstanding lead actors), is the theme song. The song is actually broken up between the opening and closing credits, so the show always starts, and ends, with the same quirkiness that sets the mood perfectly.

If you didn’t catch the show first run, I would highly advise you to find a way to watch it, even if you have to use Netflix. It’s that good.

[Edit: 12/6/10 Now word comes that FX has cancelled Terriers. This nearly ruins my first snow day.]