Tag Archives: Twin Peaks

Twin/Dual Peaks/Spires

For years, no, decades, I’ve kicked myself for missing Twin Peaks. The recent Psych episode, “Dual Spires”, finally pushed me over the edge. Shawn and Gus’ kooky interaction with the locals (some of which I knew had been on Twin Peaks) and the intriguing special opening credits (I think I have a thing for credits) convinced me to seek out Twin Peaks once and for all.

I’m halfway through the second season of Twin Peaks, and though I inadvertently spoiled myself years ago as to the identity of Laura Palmer’s killer, I assumed the reveal would signal the end of the series. Apparently, not the case. I can only hope to see more of Agent Coopers dreams, as they have been some of the most entertaining shots I’ve ever seen. I want my own giant. I really do.

[Edit: Annnnd minutes after posting, David Duchovny showed up. I had forgotten he had that role. Spectacular!]