Gravity, Party of One

Based primarily on Ben’s recommendation (and some twitter friends’ interest), I’m catching up on back episodes of Defying Gravity. I can’t say it’s one of my favorite shows, but I suppose it’s interesting enough.

The plot is very, very slow paced. Even the flashbacks aren’t particularly exciting, but remain interesting. Ajay is probably the first character to ever tug at my heartstrings so quickly and I guess I should be glad he’s where he is, but it’s just heartbreaking to watch. There are hints at a few mysteries, but the biggest one of all is what the hell happened to Malik Yoba, who used to be one of the hottest things in Hollywood. In a way, it’s refreshing that he doesn’t have to rely on his hotness to be a good actor, but then again, it never hurts.

I don’t think I’ll be staying up late on Sunday nights to watch first-run, but I will consider DVR and Hulu.

Hobbit Hospital

Even though the title of this post sounds like a very bad serial fanfic, it describes my plans for Labor Day weekend.

By my observation, Hobbit has been having excessive thirst and frequent trips to the litter box, the primary combo symptoms of feline diabetes. Maybe I’m just being overcautious (and I hope I am), but she has an appointment tomorrow. I hope they just take a few labs, perform an office exam, and send us home. I have no reason to think they’ll want to keep her (since they’re closed Sunday and Monday), so we should be fine on that front.

I’ll update later, but Hobbit says that if you’d like to send donations for catnip, she does accept PayPal.

Arrgh, Good Sir

For the first time in five years, I’m not a Golden Knight. The change in jobs has made me a Buccaneer, though I suspect I will remain a Golden Knight at heart forever. With the exception of missing my students tremendously, I am loving the new school. I had heard some pretty disparaging remarks about the new school, but I have found it to be nothing short of fantastic. For instance, I asked for a USB printer cable. My principal announced my request at a staff meeting, and in no time, THREE cables had shown up in my office. Similar requests at my beloved school resulted in comments such as, “What the hell is that?” or “Get it yourself.” Heh. Maybe we were too much like family, I don’t know…

I’ll post a picture of the awesome mural inside the school once I get a decent camera working. It’s literally filled with pirates and it reminds me of our Dragon*Con badges from a few years ago.

*header image*

There’s no doubt in my mind that if I was still using any of my old themes for this site, I would totally have a “Being Human” theme. I seriously love these guys, and I can’t wait until the new series arrives. Sure, filming it is a great first step, but I’m ready NOW.

As much as I abhor Youtube, I saw this on one of my BH communities on LJ and felt compelled to not only watch, but add it here, as well. I may have even recruited a new fan in my dad. He asked for the “Must See” list of the moment and after I told him a very basic outline of the show, he asked, “Do they act like vampires, werewolves, and ghosts?” Apparently, since they do, at least at times, he’s in. Niiiice.