Tag Archives: Defying Gravity

ABC Fail

I may be jumping the gun here, based on faulty information, but all historical data is accurate.

ABC has submitted next week’s episode of Defying Gravity as the “Season Finale”. That’s fine and dandy, but there are at least two episodes after that one. The fact that ABC hasn’t marketed the show at all suggests that they aren’t as tied to it as the fans are. If indeed ABC doesn’t plan on airing the rest of the season or renewing the series, we can add this to an ever growing list of great shows that ABC killed way before their time: My So-Called Life, Relativity (oh, god, how I loved that show), and Pushing Daisies; and those are just the ones that immediately spring to mind–I’m sure there are tons more.

Get it together, ABC!

Gravity, Party of One

Based primarily on Ben’s recommendation (and some twitter friends’ interest), I’m catching up on back episodes of Defying Gravity. I can’t say it’s one of my favorite shows, but I suppose it’s interesting enough.

The plot is very, very slow paced. Even the flashbacks aren’t particularly exciting, but remain interesting. Ajay is probably the first character to ever tug at my heartstrings so quickly and I guess I should be glad he’s where he is, but it’s just heartbreaking to watch. There are hints at a few mysteries, but the biggest one of all is what the hell happened to Malik Yoba, who used to be one of the hottest things in Hollywood. In a way, it’s refreshing that he doesn’t have to rely on his hotness to be a good actor, but then again, it never hurts.

I don’t think I’ll be staying up late on Sunday nights to watch first-run, but I will consider DVR and Hulu.