Tag Archives: BSG

So Say We…Some

Somewhere between snide remarks of “Blah-ttlestar Dramatica” and my pride, I found an appreciation of Battlestar Galactica. It took a long time, even after I actually started watching, and I can’t even place when it was, but at some point, I began to actually like it.

As a fangirl (and a well-documented sheep), I expected to get swept up in Kara/Lee shippiness, to want to find wallpapers, fanvids, and icons. It never happened. As a matter of fact, I don’t even like Lee all that much, and Kara, well, let’s just say I prefer the first Kara (if you know what I mean). I do excitedly look forward to seeing Melissa’s work, though. I guess what I mean is that I don’t care enough to take the chance of sitting through vids I don’t like while trying to find a rare gem. I’ve done that enough with LOTS. Ha!

What I liked most about the series is pretty much found in the picture here. Helo, because it’s Helo, y’all. Who couldn’t love Helo and his weepy eyes, his devotion, his heart, and his body, of course. Heh. While I had my little crush on Helo, I have to say that the reason I kept watching, even when I wanted to give up was Tigh, my overall favorite character, and his bromance with Adama.

I had unavoidably read a few spoilers here and there over the years, but I was not prepared for the shocker my favorite character would face. There’s little point in going into detail in this post, as it is a few years late, but seeing how the friendship of Col. Tigh and Adm. Adama survived the war makes any downtime the series had seem worthwhile.

Colonel Saul Tigh: You know, it’s still not too late to flush ’em all out the airlock
Admiral William Adama: It’d take too long. [ :love: ]

Though I wouldn’t place BSG in my favorite shows listing, I will say that I’m glad I watched it, and except for the last very cheesy scene, it was pretty fantastic.

Worse Than I Thought

I tried to watch Battlestar Galactica. I admit that it was a half-hearted attempt, but it was an attempt nonetheless. Actually, I tried a few times to watch BSG. Given that so many of my online fandom friends love it, I decided to give it a serious shot.

This has been excruciating. I have rarely been so bored in my life. I’m up to Season 1 Episode 11 and only once have I felt any investment in this show. It’s worse than watching paint dry; at least you know you’re going to get a result from the paint. This just drags on and on and on. There is one character, who happens to be a Cylon, who is so boring that any scene she appears in is poisoned. Boring on the ship; boring on Caprica; BORING!

Although Gaius is entertaining, the whole sexually-charged visions thing he has of his Cylon were played out in the first overextended scene of them getting it on, and frankly, I’m over it. Was this risqué when the show first aired? I don’t think it was 1957, so I’d say, “No.” What then, is the point of boring us with repeated “oooh” scenes? Just let it go, already! Sheesh!

I’m still watching because of some slight interest in the Kara/Lee ship. Um, gals, when does it actually begin? So far, they’ve had about 10 scenes together and I don’t see it. As a matter of fact, as of this episode, we haven’t even seen Lee in about 6 episodes, so what’s up?!?

I only wish I could watch at 3x speeds to get this over with. Oh the things we do in the name of fandom. 😮