Tag Archives: Hobbit

No zar’roc here

Eragon (Inheritance, Book 1)Eldest (Inheritance, Book 2)It’s been a long time since I posted anything, for a number of reasons. First and foremost, my grandmother had serious surgery this week and I’ve been a bit more into family than friends. She’s doing great and I’m not going to worry about her needlessly.

Secondly, I’ve been reading a couple of books. With the movie version of Eragon coming out soon, I finally felt the rush to read it. I’d been thinking about reading it for quite some time, but it began to feel like a race against time. I finished it Thursday night, absolutely certain that I had already figured out a huge mystery hinted at in the first of the three books of The Inheritance. Yesterday, I stopped on the way to work and purchased Eldest, the second book. As usual, not only am I NOT clever, I’m worse: Thinking I’m clever has made me an even bigger fool than usual, as my theory was clearly not even close to the truth of the mystery. Looking back, I see that it was not my own sharp thinking that lead me to my conclusion, and everyone reading probably thought the same way as I did. Suckas!

The books themselves borrow heavily from Tolkien. I mean HEAVILY. The words, places, a bit of the mythology, it’s all Tolkien-lite. I’m not complaining, just stating. I’ll be waiting for the concluding book with much anticipation, as the story has hit home for me; Hobbit is my Saphira, proud and independent, and Istar is the Dragon Rider, if only for the way Hob has to drag his goofy butt around on her back.

See? It always comes back to Da Hob.


Hobbit and Istar are sitting very close to me right now, and they’re not fighting each other. In fact, they look as if they are each in a dreamlike state. I think they’ve been mesmerized by the music of Lorena McKennitt. Why are we listening to this particular music? Finding music to use in vids is just painful for me these days, and obviously, I’m grasping at straws. I’m not going to delete this cd, however, as it seems to be a powerful weapon against kitty aggression. Hee!


hobbit.jpgI’m re-reading OoTP–again. I’m surprised by how much I enjoy reading it, but with the details of the movie coming in, I want to be sure I KNOW the story as written, and not as seen through a screenwriter, director, actor, etc. I’m going to pace myself, though, so I’m not finished in a day or two.

With the below freezing temperatures, I’m reminded that my heater isn’t working properly. The temperature stays the correct level in every room except the living room, where I have no vent. I covered the vent to place the armoire over it, and I haven’t gotten around to adding a new vent. Mom said we’d put one in this weekend, so I guess I get to learn about jigsaws and heating ducts. Yay!

istar1.jpgHobbit and Istar are, well, fighting a lot. I *think* they’re playing and it looks like Hob’s fighting back more. I’m glad to see her fight and not run, because he needs to be put in his place sometimes. Overall, it’s a nice little vibe. I do think, however, that he suffers from Stockholm Syndrome or something. He will bite the hell out of Hobbit, me, the furniture, and anything else he can target until I give him a bath. Normally, cats will fight to the death to get out of taking baths, but he LOVES it. After getting a bath, he purrs and calms down and becomes the sweetest thing in the world. Yep, I now have two insane kitties. :jack:

Time Marches On

Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers, they mean the world to me. For more cheerful things, read on.

So, um, I went to Dad’s house to drop off Cage and caught him watching Laguna Beach. He admitted that he records and watches every episode and we even snarked on the girls together. My dad is soooo weird cool. :love:

Hobbit and Istar are getting along really well. So far there have been no injuries and they seem to love chasing each other around the house. Hobbit seems really happy with him, and that was the whole goal of this experiment. If he can stop biting my toes, I guess we’ll keep him. :jack:

New (and default) theme in honor of October and Halloween. Please welcome Frankie back to the lineup.