Spoilers for LOTR: The Return of the King…

…if you haven’t read it yet…..Just read the Newsweek article on ROTK and it mentions things that are cut from the movie.
—The Healing House is gone. Mildly necessary, but I won’t argue too much. No, wait, yes I will. This is where Aragorn heals Eowyn and Faramir (not to mention Merry) and I feel that it’s important because it shows the reader/viewer just how powerful a man/king is Aragorn is.
—Also cut is the the murder of Saruman by Wormtongue. VERY important. OBVIOUSLY important so no need for me to comment further.
—The Scouring of the Shire wasn’t even FILMED. UGH! I guess the movie wraps up with the “Ring scene” then the wedding, and maybe a Cate Blanchett/Galadriel voiceover(?)

I will, of course, love the movie more than anything in the world when I see it, but the lack of these stories will be in my mind and I think I’ll end up re-re-rereading the book.


I will go into the weekend (a day early) with a heavy heart. Rupert, just know that I have loved you since the beginning, and I will always consider you the winner of Survivor: Pearl Islands.

Hooray, Part 3!

At around 7:00pm, we received the call that there is no work tomorrow! Although there has been minimal flood damage to homes and property, the water is still too high to get there safely. I know I keep saying it, but, damn! WHOO!

I’ve been contemplating getting a code for LJ, but I don’t think I really want one. I like having more to my blog than they can offer (even with a paid account). The only thing problem is that many of the LJ people won’t (or can’t in the case of some) check anything other than a “Friends List”. *sigh* Oh well, can’t please ’em all.