*snarl, grumble*

That chick from Andromeda is going to be on SG-1 some next season. This is the same chick that one of my ex bfs and I got into an argument over. Well, the argument was more about his choice of desktop wallpaper, but I’ll maintain it was about her.

As he would have said, “Joy. :roll:”

3 thoughts on “*snarl, grumble*”

  1. Lexa Doig I believe is her name (also of Jason X infamy). What’s she gonna do on SG-1?

  2. Yeah, I know her name, I just don’t speak it. I guess she’s going to team up with that (also) talentless chick from Farscape 😛

  3. Cladia Black. Sometimes when no one is looking I skip thru the apartment going “doigdoigdoigdoig”. It’s just fun to say.

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