Exercise in Futility

At the end of the school year, I requested a database so I could convert our school’s site to WP. I didn’t hear anything, but I figured I was in no rush since I had to come up with a good layout and design. Well, today I finished it (and it looks spectacular, if I do say so myself). I emailed the tech people to get my database and was promptly told that they are buying some package for all the schools to use and I can’t have a database. Seriously,I’ve worked hours on this and though I know it’s my fault for not having the database from the start, I had no reason to believe it would never come through. Also, WordPress is free…and relatively easy to learn. Instead, we’ll have some FrontPage-type application, or worse.

I’m just really sad that I’m not going to be able to do the site afterall. I’m really not interested in stepping down to a Fisher-Price level and I don’t want to get involved with something like Joomla, which is what they’re using at their office. Shucks. Anyone want a really good school site theme?


For years now, I’ve recommended (and even purchased) BSPlayer. Well, I have a new player now. The screencaps here are from a .wmv, and they are excellent. There are tons of options I get to play around with, and best of all, it’s free! The reason I loved BSPlayer for so long was that it was originally free and offered the ability to make caps. Now, there is adware bundled with the player, so unless you purchase or download it some other way, you’re stuck with crap. The only thing I miss from BSPlayer is the ability to play multi-part .rar files. Hopefully, that function can be added to the next release.

Enough about that. The new player I have is the KMPlayer and the caps are from Di’s Farscape vid, “What About…” Di’s vid looks amazing on any player, but this one makes it even better. Even if you don’t get the player, get the vid!

21 to Life

There’s talk of a new RoboCop movie. Normally, I wouldn’t care one bit about this news, but something in the report punched me in the gut…hard. The first RoboCop movie was released 21 years ago. TWENTY-ONE FRELLIN’ YEARS AGO. How f’n old are we?!? I was no youngster when RoboCop came out TWENTY-ONE FRELLIN’ YEARS AGO.

I know time is marching on and all that jazz, but I’m still in my Peter Pan mode, refusing to grow up. However, when I read things like the above, I start to think that maybe, just maybe, I’m getting old anyway. This is a dark, dark day. :evileye:

To Frak Or Not To Frak

bsg.jpg Now that the end is near, I ask myself, “Am I ready to put aside my hatred and watch this show?” I hated Farscape until well after it ended, then gave it a shot and ended up loving it (a little). However, Farscape had two things going for it that BSG does not: humor and Muppets.

I can’t help but wonder if I’d be better off just reading all about BSG on WikiPedia (another peevish thing of mine),