Category Archives: Movies

I need help

I finally watched Prince Caspian tonight.  I found it enjoyable enough, but after, um, about the third fight of humans versus humans, minotaurs, mice, badgers, etc., I actually said to myself, “This isn’t as believable as the first one.” NOT AS BELIEVABLE?!?

In what state must I be to think that a wicked ice queen, talking, resurrecting lion, and fighting, time traveling children are believable?

I need my head examined.

Omens, good.

Thanks to a wonderfully geeky transfer student, I was loaned a well-worn copy of Good Omens this weekend. I’ve been urged by Ben to try out Terry Pratchett, but something about the student’s enthusiastic offering of his book made me break down and read it. Though it’s actually by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, it should count toward Ben’s column, no? For a quick little read, I found it charming. Fortunately, I was able to discard the environmental junk and focus on the humor. I’m lucky that way. I’ll seriously consider reading Hitchhiker’s Guide at some point.

Two more British familial castings I knew nothing about: Lupin (HP) is married to with Chuck (PD). Wow! Also? The Doctor’s daughter, IS The (Fifth) Doctor’s daughter. *head spins*

Hurray for Election Day, even if I have no need of primaries. Being a republican in a democrat state gives me nothing more than a day off work; which I’ll take. 😉 Oh, and the day is made all the better by the SG-1 marathon (of sorts) on Sci-Fi!


Here’s one of the first pictures of Scotti Lee on her first day at home. Nanny, Cage and Aunt Jenn spent the day getting everything ready for her and she arrived home at around 2:00pm.

If you look at pictures of my brother when he was a baby, you’d see a huge resemblance. I hope to get a picture of her with her eyes open, but that rarely seems to happen when I’m around.

Oh, and I can’t say I’ve never held a baby anymore. I held her. Twice. Go me!

Sadly, I have to return to work tomorrow. It’s been nice having this mini-vacation. :nod:

In other news, um, there isn’t any. 😆

Everything You Know

As a child, an animated version of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe scarred me horribly. I was devastated beyond belief, so much so, that I blocked it from my mind and remembered nothing except a good lion was shaved and killed in a most degrading and horrific manner.

Because of the trauma, I suppose, I never knew anything about Prince Caspian. The trailer for the movie is out and I have to admit that I am excited about it. It looks like something I may just love. However, if anyone is familiar with the story and knows of any more lion death, please let me know so I won’t watch or read. I can’t take that kind of trauma again. Thanks.